-- George Tice, Interior Rahway, NJ, 1973 

Eileen lives with her family in a small NJ town, where she works as a librarian. She holds an MFA from NYU Film School; her screenplays have placed in the Academy Nicholl Fellowship and American Zoetrope competitions. In 2019, she began publishing short and flash prose and poetry after years focused on screenwriting and novel writing.

Her work has been selected for Best Small Fictions 2023; nominated for the Best American Short Stories, Best Microfiction, Best of the Net, and Pushcart Prize anthologies; longlisted for the Wigleaf Top 50 (2023, 2022); and short/ longlisted for SmokeLong Quarterly's Grand Micro and Award for Flash Fiction competitions (2023, 2021, 2020). 

She loves books, movies, gardening, birds, baseball, live music, A Winged Victory For the Sullen, Arvo Pärt, and Radiohead. 

Find her on Twitter/ X @eileentomarchio and Instagram @gondaline26 

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